Build Better With Construction Site Mobile Surveillance

Level up video surveillance and defend worksites from bad actors

Last Updated:
May 28, 2024
| ~
min Read
Meg Moore
Marketing Writer

While Die Hard tops countless Best Christmas Movies of All Time lists, it also should rank as one of the best construction films. The half-completed Fox Plaza in Century City, California, served as the Nakatomi Plaza skyscraper in the 1988 action flick and lives on as a cautionary tale of how lax security measures can invite the worst villain since The Grinch Stole Christmas.

Hans Gruber and his henchmen may not lurk in the shadows of current construction sites, transportation hubs, and businesses, but they are excellent shady character studies to consider in security risk assessment plans. In the current dynamic, challenging, and ever-changing security landscape, it is crucial to adopt advanced security solutions that offer comprehensive protection—and mobile business security systems designed for construction projects do just that.

In order to make the most informed purchasing decisions, it’s important to explore the different features of mobile security systems that complement existing protocols. From proactive surveillance and remote monitoring to rapid response capabilities and robust video analytics, adding this kind of video surveillance will level up existing business safeguards.

Here’s why these systems change the game to thwart potential risks, discourage thieves, and ensure the integrity of your business or construction site security.


Construction workers, much like Emmet Brickowski in The Lego Movie, have work to do, and their job descriptions should not include fending off potential attacks in Apocalypseburg or on their worksites.

 However, there are several techniques to help secure construction sites that can reduce the likelihood of a crime significantly and increase the chance of total asset recovery:

  • Install appropriate fencing
  • Secure all equipment on the site
  • Install motion-sensor lighting
  • Post no-trespassing signs, video surveillance indicators, and hazardous materials warnings
  • Minimize and control access points
  • Hire construction site security guards as necessary


According to the National Equipment Register, a national database of stolen heavy equipment, $400 million worth of backhoes, jackhammers, trucks, and other construction equipment turns up missing from jobsites every year. The actual number is likely much higher, as this only accounts for the thefts reported to the police or insurers.

In just the greater area of Colorado Springs, Colorado, construction companies in the lost $1.04 million from building site thefts in 2021. Thieves range from people who commit small-time, spur-of-the-moment thefts to organized crews who hit multiple construction sites, leave town, and scout out—and hit—other locations in another state.

It’s not just the nearly 1,000 pieces of equipment reported stolen each month (the true number is considerably higher as not every theft is reported) that adds up to the construction industry losing $1 billion dollars each year, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau. Safety and security leaders also are combatting construction supply pilferage, as 10 to 25% of supplies on large-scale construction projects are stolen and resold every year. These thefts tack on timing delays, increase insurance premiums, and cause project budgets to spiral.


That’s why safety and security leaders turn to the comprehensive construction site security that mobile surveillance systems deliver to get this problem under control. Watching premises of this scale requires more vantage points, greater sightlines, and considerably more intel—much more than the human eye can provide.

Remote monitoring mobile surveillance units will discover, deter, and defend construction sites with direct-to-site audio warnings, initiate a live recording to use as evidence if necessary, and send text alerts to the appropriate staff and first responders.

Another advantage? Video evidence. Mobile surveillance security systems stop potential intruders in their tracks. And if a crime does occur, the incident is captured in its entirety.

Just watch an LVT Unit in action:


There are many reasons to invest in mobile surveillance security systems, because these units not only give business leaders peace of mind, they provide:

  • Adaptability: These systems work in any environment, from one-day roadworks resurfacing projects to a multiyear, multi-story skyscraper.
  • Fast Deployment: Mobile systems require little-to-no infrastructure and can be installed quickly. Time is of the essence, especially when a site is temporary.
  • Reliability:  Mobile video units monitor sites all day, every day, providing an all-encompassing view of the premises.
  • Technological Advances: High-definition video, night vision, WiFi and cellular connectivity, as well as motion sensors, alerts, and dedicated apps, allows multiple users to keep a watchful eye at all time.
  • Time-Lapse Video Capabilities: A picture is worth a thousand words, which is project managers love to showcase their projects—and progress—with a time-lapse video.

LVT can be your white knight and you’ll thank us for the advice. We can help keep construction projects on track and on budget with customizable, scalable solutions for remote mobile surveillance security systems. When it’s time to protect your own version of Nakatomi Plaza, contact our team today for a demo.

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