Solving Dynamic Campus Security Challenges with LVT

Campus protests are increasingly common and unpredictable, straining traditional security, but LVT Units provide a flexible, advanced solution with mobility, independent power, and real-time monitoring.

Last Updated:
May 30, 2024
| ~
min Read
Kailey Boucher
Marketing Writer

Picture this: You’re strolling around campus on a crisp morning, books in hand, ready to tackle another day of classes. But as you approach the quad, a scene of chaos unfolds. Protesters have descended, voices are chanting in unison, and a mass of people is blocking pathways and disrupting the usual campus flow.

For university security professionals, scenarios like this are the new normal. Protests are popping up on college campuses around the nation more and more these days, each one more unpredictable than the last. Traditional security measures are struggling to manage the moving targets and heightening tensions that define these campus protests.


Protest scenarios are extraordinarily dynamic and difficult to control. The core issue is the transient, ever-shifting nature of these protests. Crowds can materialize suddenly, occupy one area briefly, then immediately relocate to another part of the expansive grounds—all the while, tensions are escalating rapidly. This mobility and spontaneity pose a logistical nightmare for security teams already stretched thin on resources and struggling to keep up with unpredictable patterns.

The open layout of many campuses represents another major challenge. A lack of clearly defined, controlled perimeters and sprawling areas of shared public access makes it all too easy for protests to emerge out of nowhere and quickly overtake institutional grounds. And while core campus zones may be well-surveilled, protesters tend to congregate in locations where visibility is limited.


Adding to the complexity, on-campus events such as graduations or sporting events can coincide with protest activities, further intensifying the challenge for university security. This dual responsibility can lead to gaps in coverage and slower response times to incidents.

These events draw large crowds, including students, faculty, alumni, and members of the surrounding communities, stretching security resources to their limits. Several factors make these kinds of situations particularly challenging.

Firstly, graduation ceremonies and sporting events attract thousands of attendees, creating dense, crowded environments that require extensive security planning and resources. Ensuring the safety of a large number of people simultaneously can be overwhelming for campus security.

On top of that, these events are emotionally charged, celebrating significant milestones or school spirit. The presence of protesters during such events can escalate tensions quickly, leading to potential confrontations that require immediate and careful management.


Fixed cameras might do a decent job of monitoring designated areas, but they are limited to their fixed angles and locations, leaving critical gaps in coverage. When protesters start marching through underpasses, secluded parking lots, and other blind spots, those cameras suddenly become about as useful as a parked car in a race. It’s a static solution for a moving problem. 

Graduations and sports games further expose these limitations, as they draw massive crowds that stretch the capacity of fixed surveillance systems and make blind spots even more problematic.

In the heat of the moment, security teams need to see and respond to incidents in real time. But sending personnel into a situation blind is less than ideal. In most cases, it’s  better—and safer—to see a situation, assess it remotely, and then deploy a team. 

Moreover, the process of extending fixed surveillance infrastructure to new or unexpected hotspots can be both time-consuming and costly. Installing additional cameras, setting up wiring, and ensuring consistent power supply are logistical challenges. Even where budgets allow, the installation process itself is disruptive and can take months, during which time the campus remains vulnerable.


Dynamic problems require flexible solutions—luckily, that’s LVT’s specialty. Here are five key ways our units revolutionize campus security:


LVT Units can be quickly moved to cover blind spots. Whether it’s a particular hotspot for protests, a remote parking area experiencing increased activity, or a construction zone with changing layouts, LVT Units can adapt to these dynamic environments.


Equipped with solar power and cellular connectivity, LVT Units operate independently of the campus’s power infrastructure. This ensures continuous surveillance even in remote or less accessible areas, providing security teams with uninterrupted visibility.


LVT Units come with high-resolution cameras, night vision, live streaming capabilities, and instant alerts. These features enable security personnel to monitor activities in real time, respond promptly, and prevent escalation of any incidents. The units also record and store footage, providing valuable evidence for post-incident analysis and investigations.


Effective lighting is crucial for maintaining safety and visibility, especially at night. LVT Units can be equipped with powerful lighting systems to illuminate dark areas. This improved lighting not only improves surveillance footage quality and deters criminal activity but also assures students, faculty, and staff with peace of mind that their environment is well-lit and actively monitored. 


LVT Units also boast loudspeakers, which can be crucial for crowd control in high-energy situations. These integrated audio systems can broadcast clear messages, instructions, or warnings to manage and direct large crowds during events or protests. Whether it’s guiding people to exits during an emergency, dispersing groups in a volatile situation, or providing real-time updates during large gatherings, loudspeakers help maintain order and prevent chaos.

Want to learn more about how universities use LVT to combat complex security challenges? In a recent webinar, we presented a comprehensive playbook on security and surveillance specifically for colleges and universities. Watch the full webinar here.

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