How Police Departments are Integrating Mobile Surveillance Units for Enhanced Security

Police departments are using mobile surveillance units to boost security at public events and high-crime areas, enhancing situational awareness, deterring crime, and providing crucial video evidence.

Last Updated:
February 10, 2025
| ~
min Read
Nikki Siegel
Marketing Writer

Between the pandemic, social unrest, and some very public negative police PR, there’s no question that the last four years have been hard on the ranks of law enforcement across the country. Despite competitive salaries and signing bonuses, there’s still a deficit when it comes to available officers, particularly in the larger, more crime-prone cities.

While nothing can replace boots-on-the-ground responsiveness, many police departments are looking for ways to bridge that gap, with some turning to technology as a way to stretch resources and increase efficiency.

Mobile surveillance units are a prime example of this.

Law enforcement can use mobile security solutions to assist with combatting a number of issues, including illegal dumping, traffic management, and security for government buildings, but there are two areas in particular where these units really shine: public events and high-crime areas.

Increasing Situational Awareness at Public Events

What do rallies, concerts, protests, sporting events, and fairs have in common?

Crowds. Sometimes really big crowds.

Events come with more than their fair share of problems: the bigger the crowd, the exponentially higher potential for problems, ranging from theft to safety concerns. Traffic can congest; parking in unusual places can lead to issues with vehicle security; thieves have more targets in a smaller area; children get lost more easily—the list goes on.

While there’s no substitute for uniformed officers patrolling an event (especially an event like a protest where emotions run high), the addition of mobile surveillance units can make a world of difference when it comes to situational awareness.

On the ground, on the same level as all the other people in the crowd, police officers can only see those people closest to them. A security camera mounted on a 22-foot pole, on the other hand, has a bird’s-eye view, enabling it to see the activities of dozens of people at the same time. This higher vantage point means that if a situation arises, those who are monitoring security cameras can coordinate with the officers on the ground, giving them the ability to know what’s going on and where they need to be.

Taken a step further, a mobile security unit’s remote monitoring capabilities can be paired with advanced analytic features. This advanced form of situational awareness can be used for crime prevention (such as identifying abandoned bags or recognizing suspicious behaviors) or can be used to quickly comb through thousands to find something specific (such as a lost child).

Mobile security units are already equipped with everything they need to be able to function, allowing them to be deployed just about anywhere in very little time. An autonomous mobile surveillance unit will have the following:

  • Its own power source (solar panels, batteries, generators)
  • A tall camera mount
  • An internet connection (typically a cellular connection as it removes the need for Wi-Fi)
  • Remote monitoring capabilities

The flexibility and adaptability of these units is perfect for events since every event is different in size, scope, and location. Once an event is over, mobile security units can easily be hitched up and towed to the next area.

Deterring and Recording Crime in High-Crime Areas

Contrary to popular belief, surveillance cameras don’t need to be hidden to be effective. In fact, the more obvious the camera, the more likely it is to prevent crime from happening in the first place. (And what could be more obvious than a massive, solar-panel-clad, flashing trailer with a 22-foot-tall camera mount?)

While the deterrence factor is helpful when it comes to a number of situations, it is of particular value when it comes to areas already prone to high crime rates. Mobile security solutions have been proven to reduce overall crime in cities, and the flexibility of these units means they can be placed in high-crime areas as needed, sending would-be wrongdoers a clear message: Your crime will not go unnoticed.

The obvious visibility of mobile security units makes a difference, but it doesn’t stop every crime. In the case that a crime is still committed, the high-definition security camera footage provides immediate and easily accessible evidence for law enforcement teams working the case.

As an added advantage, mobile surveillance units can be equipped with night vision capabilities, ensuring your city is covered even after the sun goes down.

Interested in recruiting mobile security units for your police department? Contact LiveView Technologies today for more information about our LVT Units and their crime-deterring capabilities. 

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