The Importance of Data Security in Enterprise Surveillance Solutions

Learn the importance of data security in enterprise surveillance solutions, emphasizing encryption, secure storage, firmware updates, access control, and employee training.

Last Updated:
May 24, 2024
| ~
min Read
James Wang
Marketing Writer

We live in a world of jumbled letters and numbers when it comes to keeping things secure.  Whether it’s a lock on a suitcase, our password to our Netflix account, or even making a withdrawal at the ATM or banking online, we are on a constant quest to mix up letters and numbers that make some semblance of sense to us but are still challenging enough that others can’t hack into our accounts. (Unless, you are one of the 4.5 million people who still use “123456” as your password–which is usually cracked by cybercriminals in less than one second.)

According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, incidents where data has been compromised are on the rise and have increased by 72% from the high in 2021. 

We all recognize the importance of safeguarding our own individual information but when running a business, the data security challenges are exponentially more difficult and the potential disaster is even more wide reaching.

When operating a business, an enterprise security system is paramount to the safety and protection of your assets, employees, and customers. It can not only increase the effectiveness of your surveillance operations, but mobile units can allow for flexibility to monitor your premises while giving you the ease of access to your business security network remotely. With improving technologies in business security cameras, data collection becomes more plentiful and useful – from higher resolution night vision imagery to improved recognition capabilities to artificial intelligence’s ability to cross reference data with larger networks—the need for data protection and privacy is at an all-time high.


For all intents and purposes, data security and privacy involve the processes to protect digital information from being altered, misused, tampered, stolen, or accessed without authorization. It relates to everything within the entire business security network from software, hardware, remote access points, servers, storage, data transfer systems to organizational procedures. It’s imperative to keep information private and networks secure which builds customer trust and strengthens your company’s reputation. So, where can we look to shore up potential vulnerabilities and what should we look for in a secure enterprise security solution? 



Data encryption utilizes algorithms to scramble data and transform it into an unreadable format while it is stored and transmitted until they need to be accessed by authorized users. This adds a layer of protection to maximize confidentiality and ensure that information isn’t easily acquired by unwanted recipients.


While encrypting information and video helps secure storage, it’s important to purge data that is no longer needed. By overwriting data on pre-existing information over an appropriately predetermined period, it creates a process where nothing is kept longer than necessary. Assets should only be held for a set limited time unless the need to preserve them exists—such as a security breach or criminal investigation or prosecution.


The ability for software or hardware to receive the latest updates and security patches is essential in making sure your system has the most up to date protections. This ensures that you always have the latest and most current iteration possible, but it can also fix and close potential vulnerabilities that can wreak havoc if left unresolved.


Just as critical as safeguarding information, is the importance of limiting and keeping track of those who have access to stored data. It’s imperative that access is limited to a select group of individuals and that everyone’s access is trackable with a unique login or password. Multi-factor authorization or biometrics may add another layer of protection. This not only ensures that only those who are authorized have access but also identifies the individual’s activities within the system. When it comes to security, the smaller number of people who come in contact with the system, the more secure it is.


Having standard operating procedures to deal with potential vulnerabilities or suspicious activity and training staff to take proper steps to safeguard networks is crucial. This is a two-step approach where the first step is awareness. Employees must be educated on what to look for and what red flags might warrant further attention. The second part of the puzzle lies in how to mitigate the potential liability. How should the staff member react or what are the next steps to once a potential liability has been identified so that it doesn’t become an entryway to something more dangerous.

Furthermore, training staff on what is considered good cyber hygiene can be paramount to curbing risk as the majority of vulnerabilities are due to human error. Simple things like religiously logging in and out of networks with one’s own profile, not opening suspicious emails, keeping information confidential about where cameras are situated as well as other sensitive information should all be part of the training and standard operating protocols.

When it comes to data privacy and security, the old adage applies that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Law enforcement and security experts suggest consistently implementing several key measures to keep bad actors at bay.



Conducting a thorough risk assessment of potential deficiencies in your system can be a starting point for fortifying potential weaknesses. By identifying vulnerabilities, you can work to correct or support those areas that need further attention and reinforcement.


Consistent audits to review the effectiveness of policies and training help identify areas of opportunity and improvement. Experts cite that understanding what works well can also give you valuable information to help solidify other areas that might need further attention.

Data privacy and security are a 24/7 endeavor. A successful enterprise surveillance system not only captures data effectively, but it safeguards that data from unauthorized access. It’s an ongoing challenge that needs constant evolution and consistent review and subsequent updates and it’s important to partner with those who take it as seriously as you do. 

Reach out to learn more about how LVT utilizes industry best practices and can be part of your overall business security solution and safeguarding of data. 

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