Happy New Year from LiveView Technologies

Is your goal to switch employment, pivot jobs, or otherwise improve your career? Check out LiveView Technologies.

Last Updated:
April 8, 2022
| ~
min Read
Noelle Baldwin
Marketing Content Manager
LiveView Technologies

I don’t like New Year’s resolutions—not because I am against setting new goals, but because I hate the timing of them and their connotations. Why should we only set new goals with the new year? Shouldn’t that be a continual process throughout the year? Why is the new year the only day marked with new beginnings? What if you complete your goal by March? Is the rest of the year wasted? 

Also, I hate that resolutions are almost synonymous with failure and giving up. Just go to a gym this week and then again in a month or two, and you’ll see that I am right. In fact, studies have shown that almost 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail. So why do we keep making them?

Naturally, we want to improve our work, our habits, and ourselves. However, it’s also natural to go big. This makes our goals seem overwhelming and causes us to give up before January fades into February. Don’t get me wrong, goals are important, and you should never stop making them. All I’m saying is, don’t make one ginormous goal that will direct your entire year without breaking it down into smaller, more achievable goals. Absolutely go big, but don’t set yourself up to fail by January 7. Set realistic expectations and smaller goals that will help you reach that bigger goal. Whether that means creating daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly goals, make sure it is manageable while still helping you reach the end goal.

Another problem with New Year’s resolutions is, we tend to make them too rigid. For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds, great! But what if you only lose 15? Was your goal met? No. But did you fail completely? Also no. Maybe something happened that prevented you from losing the weight. Like you broke your leg skiing and were unable to exercise for six weeks. It happens. Furthermore, what if the opposite happens and you exceed your goal? What if you lose 25 pounds instead? Do you weep because you were too successful? Absolutely not. Instead, don’t let your success be marred because it was less than or more than the original goal. Instead, recognize what you did right and wrong, adjust your goals, and continue to aim high.

The same is true in business. Absolutely set that company growth bar high but support it with smaller goals. That way your sales, product, marketing, and development teams can see progress and be encouraged by it. Also make sure to adjust accordingly. Much like real life, businesses can be disrupted or even shut down. Just look at what the COVID-19 pandemic has done to the business world. Do you think a lot of businesses didn’t meet their goals in 2020 and 2021? You bet. However, were there successes? Absolutely.

That’s why I love working for LiveView Technologies. Instead of setting unrealistic goals for me, my team, and the company, the managers make goals that are obtainable but still encourage growth. The goals aren’t easy, but they are doable. Furthermore, while they set a yearly goal for the company, they focus on what we can do today, this week, and this quarter to reach that year mark. It creates a strong team environment where every person contributes. And the best part is we are reaching our goals. We are growing and are looking for experienced, enthusiastic people to come join us. In fact, in the past year we:

  • Increased our team to 300 employees
  • Added more than 330 new customers
  • Expanded into 1 new office building
  • Exceeded 2021 new revenue targets
  • Achieved 100% year over year revenue growth for third consecutive year

Furthermore, our product actually makes the world safer, and we are partnering with more and more companies across multiple industries to do it. Come join a fast-growing team and work for a company that truly makes a difference. Take the first step to achieve your 2022 career goals, apply for a new job, and start your New Year’s off right.

Check out our job board here. We’re excited to see what 2022 brings to you and to LVT. 

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